Chikhali is located in Ahmednagar district and is an area with water scarcity. The village already has two borewells in the school premises. LK Jha Foundation has helped with the rainwater harvesting project using the school roof.

Using the school roof, LK Jha Foundation has installed metal sheets to collect the rainwater. The collected rainwater is then channeled to two existing borewells with a view to recharge them. LK Jha Foundation also planted 300 saplings in Chikhali village last year which will grow into an orchard. The recharged borewells will help water these plants.

L.K. Jha Foundation supported children of construction workers at multiple creches run by Tara Mobile Creches across Pune, purchasing medical equipment to monitor their growth and development. The creches serve as day care centres running 6 days a week throughout the year. Children of working mothers from marginalised sections of the community are the organisation’s primary beneficiaries. Children receive a safe and nurturing environment close to the labour tenements at the site.

Chikhali is located in Ahmednagar district and is an area with water scarcity. The village already has two borewells in the school premises. LK Jha Foundation has helped with the rainwater harvesting project using the school roof.